Plate Carriers

in News

Over the years we've gotten quite a few different plate carriers in over the counter. It's fascinating to us when one comes in as they can usually tell a lot about the person who brought it in. Off the bat we can tell if the guy was left or right handed, what units he may have been in and what he might have used it for. Sometimes we even get a few in that really tell a story, and wish that they could talk.

(ABOVE: LBT 6094K in AOR1 as used by a SEAL team 1 member)

 Some of us that work here are collectors and some go out and shoot periodically; but either way it's always something all of us equally geek over. Some of the pictures we're adding to this post show off a few of the plate carriers we've gotten in over the last few weeks. All of these show a story of how the operator may have shot, his preferences for his IFAK contents and how he may have ran his radio. All of these plate carriers will eventually see their ways to a new home where the next user may put it on a mannequin or give it renewed life down range.

(ABOVE: Eagle Industries NSW-DPC in Multicam)

(ABOVE: Crye Precision Cage Plate Carrier in Multicam)

(ABOVE: LBT 6094B in Multicam)